Subject filed

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Subject filed

Post by yilmazgunes01 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:48 am

Hello there,
I bought MagicSpam plus version for mailenable.
I am currently using it, but I can not find the subject field in the “Recent Log Entries” and “Log Search” lists.
How do I add this.
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Re: Subject filed

Post by magicspam » Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:36 pm

Hello yilmazgunes01,

Thank you for your post.

Form your post we understand that you would like to see the Subject in the “Recent Log Entries” and “Log Search” lists.

Because MagicSpam does not filter emails by the content, header information such as "Subject" is not stored and therefore it is not available in the Log Search result list.

We have now created a development ticket for the feature that would allow subject line to be visible form the “Recent Log Entries” and “Log Search” lists and passed it to our development team for consideration.

Thank you again for your feedback.

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Re: Subject filed

Post by ultraprovedor » Fri May 31, 2019 8:47 am

Hi magicspam,

I've installed MagicSpam Pro for MailEnable and have been using for 5 days now. Is there any forecast to deploy this feature?

As you might notice, I already miss "subject" field, exactly as it's in suggested image. I'd like to retrieve this question, I think it's extremely important, and powerful, feature, considering some spams are sent from many different mailboxes, domains, hosts and IPs. Even if it has no intelligence at all, only to block subjects registered manually by user.

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Re: Subject filed

Post by magicspam » Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:27 am

Hello ultraprovedor,

Thank you for your post.

First of all, please note that the provided image is edited by the customer and does not represent the original screenshot of our product - e.i: there is not "Subject" column in MagicSpam logs.

As for the reported feature to include the subject line in the MagicSpam logs, as MagicSpam does not yet have a detailed plan for adding its own content filtering, we do not yet have a timeline when this feature will be implemented.

In the meantime, the best way to locate the particular logs would be to check for sending IP or the email address from the message headers and search for it in the MagicSpam logs.

We hope this information helps.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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