Dear team Technical Support,
We use MAGICSPAM Plus for our Email server system.
Currently, our domain's https ssl cert has expired and I have just re-newed it.
As I see it, web Admin MagicSpam also need update new cert ssl. Pls help technical document guide how can re-new cert SSL for web MagicSPAM.
Our email systen: CENTOS 7 & Zimbra 6.0
Thanks&Best Regards,
Re-new cert SSL/HTTPS for web admin MagicSpam
Re: Re-new cert SSL/HTTPS for web admin MagicSpam
Hello danielk6,
Thank you for your post.
If you do want to load a properly signed certificate you will need to edit the following file:
This file must contain your PEM encoded certificate and private key.
Please note that currently the http daemon doesn't have a configuration for a certificate chain so you will also need to create a file and place your PEM encoded intermediate certificate chain in this file.
You will then need to edit the /etc/magicspam/httpd/httpd.conf file and add the "" option to specify the file path of your certificate chain.
Finally, you can restart the daemon so that the changes take affect:
/etc/init.d/magicspam-httpd restart
We hope this information helps.
Thank you for your post.
If you do want to load a properly signed certificate you will need to edit the following file:
This file must contain your PEM encoded certificate and private key.
Please note that currently the http daemon doesn't have a configuration for a certificate chain so you will also need to create a file and place your PEM encoded intermediate certificate chain in this file.
You will then need to edit the /etc/magicspam/httpd/httpd.conf file and add the "" option to specify the file path of your certificate chain.
Finally, you can restart the daemon so that the changes take affect:
/etc/init.d/magicspam-httpd restart
We hope this information helps.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --
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