Enhancements For Lists

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Enhancements For Lists

Post by bcw » Wed May 26, 2010 6:01 pm

Currently when I use the lists, there are two questions that I find go with each entry; why did I add this entry and when did I do so. These questions arise when I later view the list to determine if the entries are still valid. An example is the situation when a reputable ISPs server is added to UCEPROTECT-1/2 and I must white list that server because valid email is being rejected. I know that this entry need only be in place until the server is removed from the list so I would like to leave a note to know when I can check for removing the entry.

It would be very useful to have the date the entry is added recorded and displayed and beside that, a text field for entering my notes.

Also, in addition to being able to remove the entry from the list, it would be useful to be able to edit the note and disable the entry. If the ability to edit and/or disable were provided, an additional date field, “Last Updated” would be helpful.

Right now, I am using an Excel workbook to capture this information and having it directly in the MagicSpam interface would fine-tune the application that much more.

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Re: Enhancements For Lists

Post by magicspam » Thu May 27, 2010 8:49 am

Thank you for your suggestion. I will pass that along to the developers as a feature request.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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